I love the way exercise makes me feel, and how eating nutritious food allows me to push my body to new fitness levels, but as a wife and a mother of 4 life can get a little crazy and stressful. This is my fitness life and how I get through it every day...the good, the bad, and the in between. You can count on my honesty, and realism. This is my way of holding myself accountable. I hope it can be yours too.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Facing the Negative Voice
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Power of KNOWING Who You Are!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sugar and How I've Overcome it...so far;)
I HATE the weakness in myself, and anytime it comes out, fully exposed, I want to run and hide. I know that everyone has weaknesses, we're human for crying out loud, but why can't I accept my own short comings and move on? I'm supposed to be strong, and above all this...Ha...I'm lying to myself. I am so NOT above this. Looking at me you wouldn't think I struggle with food, but deep inside there is this frightened little girl that is afraid I won't get anything I've dreamed of getting. That maybe I really don't have what it takes, and that no one will take me seriously. The things I do accomplish there is always some reason that it happened by accident, or coincidence. If it's something I failed at it's ALWAYS my fault, alone, just me. I need the support of those who get it, and maybe I can figure out how to control it, if that's possible.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Create the time you think you don't have
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Cleanse
Monday, May 9, 2011
Shifting How I SEE My Goals... Now It's About How It Feels!
Here I am, it's Monday, Mother's Day is over, and I seriously over indulged:( I'm not too happy with myself, but I'm over it. I am starting my 3-day Shakeology cleanse today, and I am refocusing on my health. I have had this goal in my mind that I want to reach 15% body fat, but my actions would speak otherwise. As I was thinking about it though, I think the vanity of the "ideal" body leaves me feeling sad, and over anxious. I'm not saying the goal is a bad thing, I just think I start throwing too many should's and should nots at myself.
So why am I doing the cleanse? I want to clear out all the junk from my system. This isn't a typical cleanse either. Instead of depriving my body of nutrients so my body eats away muscle, and other vital body parts, it packs my body full of nutrients, and cleans out the garbage. It's only 3 days because the calorie count is low, and any longer would have my body shifting to starvation mode. Instead, it allows my body to reach homeostasis, or regulates my body's internal condition, and stabilizes my health and functioning of my body. Now that is a VERY good thing. No deprivation, just cleaning out the impurities.
I feel I need it because I've become a bit of a sugar junky, especially lately. And I know it's affecting my body negatively. I'm more moody, tired, bloated, and I'm bonking during my workouts. My head also feels foggy. I want clarity and energy, so I know my body is telling me something has got to change, hence the cleanse. Oh and yoga! 3 days of focused, hard yoga. I am tuning in people! After that I'm refocusing my attention on eating for health, not for weight, or the "ideal" body size. I think all of that will happen naturally. It's not a big secret that processed foods, fake sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbs reek havoc on the body. And I am a testimony that it's affecting me in more ways then a slightly tighter pair of jeans.
My focus just needs a little tweaking. Food is fuel, and what I put in the tank will determine how long my body will last, plus help me push the envelope with fitness. I love an intense workout, but until I change my poor eating habits I'll never reach the level of fitness that I want.